Fat Loss
How Many Calories Should I have to Lose or Gain Weight?
June 26 2008
Losing weight or gaining weight is all about calories. It doesn’t really matter what you eat or when you eat.

The Best Diet for Fat Loss
June 22 2008
Which is the best diet out there? Or is there a best diet? Read more to learn about diets and how they all work.
Which Equation to Calculate My Daily Maintenance Calories?
June 21 2008
Whether you are just trying to look good or you are a trainer who gets paid to make others look good, understanding how to find or calculate daily maintenance calories and Resting Metabolic Rate (RMR) is vital.

IS HIIT the Most Effective & Efficient Fat Loss Exercise Program?
June 02 2008
It is pretty well established that exercise alone (without any dietary intervention) does a poor job in losing weight. Dietary intervention or diet has been shown to be significantly more effective in losing weight than just exercise alone. But what about HIIT or interval training? Is interval training or HIIT more effective in losing weight than regular cardio?