Exercise Biology - The Science of Exercise,  Nutrition & building muscle

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Injury Prevention
Does Glucosamine Chondroitin Help knee and Joint Pain Due to Osteoarthritis?

Does Glucosamine Chondroitin Help knee and Joint Pain Due to Osteoarthritis?

October 09 2010

This is one of the popular supplement for joint pain and I have had so many ask about it. The recent study finally shed some light about this supplement.


The Best Stretch For Your Shoulders

The Best Stretch For Your Shoulders

July 25 2010

There are tons of shoulder stretches. But if you had to pick just one stretch this should be the one.


The Best Scapular Muscle Exercises to Prevent & Treat Shoulder Pain

The Best Scapular Muscle Exercises to Prevent & Treat Shoulder Pain

July 17 2010

Why are scapular muscles important to prevent and treat shoulder pain and which are the best scapular exercises?


NSCA Personal Trainer’s Conference 2010 Review - Part 2

NSCA Personal Trainer’s Conference 2010 Review - Part 2

April 10 2010

Here is Part 2 of the review of National Strength & Conditioning Association (NSCA) Personal Trainer’s Conference 2010 held in Las Vegas in April.


NSCA Personal Trainer’s Conference 2010 Review - Part 1

NSCA Personal Trainer’s Conference 2010 Review - Part 1

March 30 2010

Here is part 1 of the review of National Strength & Conditioning Association (NSCA) Personal Trainer’s Conference 2010 held in Las Vegas in April.


Exercises  To Correct Forward Head and Shoulder Posture

Exercises To Correct Forward Head and Shoulder Posture

January 09 2010

What are the causes and benefits of correcting a forward head and shoulder posture? And how do you correct a forward head posture?


Is Back Squat Better Than Front Squat?

Is Back Squat Better Than Front Squat?

March 31 2009

Back squat is called the king of leg exercises. Or is it?  A recent study compared the back squat to the front squat and came out with some very interesting results.


How to Prevent ACL Injuries

How to Prevent ACL Injuries

December 21 2008

Anterior Cruciate Ligament (ACL) injuries is one of the most common knee injuries in sports and recreation, especially in female athletes. What does the latest research say about ACL injury prevention?


How Many Ab Exercises should I do?

How Many Ab Exercises should I do?

December 06 2008

There are 100’s of ab exercises and a few more. So how many ab exercises should I do? Most people seem to do every ab exercise they know. Read more if you are one of them.


Functional Movement Screen

Functional Movement Screen

November 29 2008

FMS is a 7- test screen developed by Gray Cook to identify movement patterns to predict injuries and performance.  I attended the FMS screen a few weeks back and here are my thoughts.


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