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Nutrition Articles
Does One A Day Weight Smart Supplement Work for Weight Loss?

Does One A Day Weight Smart Supplement Work for Weight Loss?

September 30 2008

One A Day Weight Smart multivitamin or supplement claims to increase metabolism and convert food to fuel and help your weight/fat loss efforts. It contains EGCG and chromium which are supposed to do the trick. Really?


Which is Better for Health: High Carb or Low Carb?

August 17 2008

If you keep the total calories the same, is a high carb diet better than a low carb diet for general health?


How Many Calories Should I have to Lose or Gain Weight?

How Many Calories Should I have to Lose or Gain Weight?

June 26 2008

Losing weight or gaining weight is all about calories. It doesn’t really matter what you eat or when you eat.


The Best Diet for Fat Loss

The Best Diet for Fat Loss

June 22 2008

Which is the best diet out there? Or is there a best diet? Read more to learn about diets and how they all work.


Which Equation to Calculate My Daily Maintenance Calories?

Which Equation to Calculate My Daily Maintenance Calories?

June 21 2008

Whether you are just trying to look good or you are a trainer who gets paid to make others look good, understanding how to find or calculate daily maintenance calories and Resting Metabolic Rate (RMR) is vital.


How Creatine Works?

How Creatine Works?

June 17 2008

Why is creatine called the “poor man’s steroid”? This article reveals the unique mechanism which makes creatine one of the best supplements out there ti increase muscle mass/growth.


Why & When You Should Have a Protein Shake

Why & When You Should Have a Protein Shake

June 10 2008

When is the best time to drink a protein shake and why should you even bother to drink a protein shake.


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