Training Articles
How Many Reps & Sets for a Beginner?
July 16 2008
How many reps and sets should I do is one of the most common questions people have. And as always, the common answers are usually confusing
Why Older People Should Do Weight Training?
June 20 2008
If you think you are getting old, you better read it. If you think age is just a number, I would recommend you to read (just in case).

Why & How To Warm Up for Weight Training?
June 16 2008
Warm is an integral part of your workout, be it cardio or weight lifting. But many either skip the warm up or just do it wrong. If you think you are one of them, you need help:

Cardio on Lifting or Non- Lifting Days?
June 05 2008
On which days should you cardio for optimum results? Let’s see what science says.

IS HIIT the Most Effective & Efficient Fat Loss Exercise Program?
June 02 2008
It is pretty well established that exercise alone (without any dietary intervention) does a poor job in losing weight. Dietary intervention or diet has been shown to be significantly more effective in losing weight than just exercise alone. But what about HIIT or interval training? Is interval training or HIIT more effective in losing weight than regular cardio?